Where are you now?

Assess Your Practice's Strengths and Identify Opportunities for Improvement

Before beginning quality improvement work, many practices find it useful to determine where they fall in the spectrum of high-performing practices. Assessing your strengths and areas of improvement will lend to a realistic and sustainable redesign strategy. The Building Blocks Assessment (BBPCA) is an adaptation and expansion of the Patient Centered Medical Home Assessment (PCMH-A) developed by the MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation. 

The Building Blocks Assessment includes all of the 35 items from the PCMH-A, but they are ordered to align with the 10 Building Blocks of High Performing Primary Care. In addition, we have added 11 items that elaborate on areas not covered by the PCMH-A, such as panel management and team-based care.

We recommend completing the Building Blocks Assessment utilizing a collaborative approach with the leadership team of a clinic or organization. Practices already working with a Practice Coach are encouraged to invite the coach to join in the discussion. After completing the assessment, identify 1 or 2 Building Blocks - beginning with the four foundational blocks, if applicable – to start improvements efforts.

Assessment tools 

Building Blocks Assessment Means Score Spreadsheet.xlsx

Building Blocks Assessment Discussion Tool.xlsx

Read more

To learn more about the PCMH-A and its use in the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative, visit http://www.improvingchroniccare.org/index.php.
