Health coaching is a patient-centered approach to delivering care. Research has shown that half of patients leave medical visits without understanding the clinicians’ advice. In only 10% of visits are the patients involved in making the decisions. Patients who are not involved in decision-making do not follow the clinician’s advice. This can lead to poor health outcomes for the patient and frustration for the clinician.
Health Coaching helps patients build the knowledge, skills, and confidence required to manage their chronic conditions and improve their health. Health coaches empower patients to play a central role in clinical encounters and to engage in self-management activities at home, work, and schools, where they spend most of their lives.
If you are interested in having CEPC train your organization on health coaching or you would like to learn more about our training videos or curriculum, please contact us at [email protected]
If you are interested in downloading our health coaching curriculum, please click here.
6B_Health coaching learner practice packet 20-0511.pdf
7B_Challenging situations learner practice packet 20-0511.pdf
Tools to learn more about Health Coaching
- Try out our sample curriculum in your organization: Ask-Tell-Ask exercises
- Download action plan forms
- Download a "Know your numbers" form in English and Spanish
- Use our health coach observation and competency checklist to test your skills and give feedback to your team members
- Try your hand at health coaching using these role-playing scenarios
- Adapt our protocol for our randomized controlled trial on health coaching
Learn more
Watch our training videos to see health coaching in action!
- Action plans: Watch NOW!
- Closing the loop: Watch NOW!
- Medication Reconcilitation: Watch NOW!
- Setting the agenda: Watch NOW!
- Coaching patients for successful self-management Watch NOW!
Read about health coaching models
- Bodenheimer T, Laing B. The Teamlet Model of Primary Care. Ann Fam Med 2007 Sept-Oct; 5(5):457-61.
- Chen EH, Thom DH, Hessler DM, La Phengrasamy, Hammer H, Saba G, Bodenheimer T. Using the teamlet model to improve chronic care in an academic primary care practice. J Gen Intern Med 2010 Sept;25(Suppl 4):610-614.
- Ngo V, Hammer H, Bodenheimer T. Health coaching in the teamlet model: A case study. J Gen Intern Med 2010 Dec;25(12):1375-1378.
- McNamara M, Bodenheimer T. 2019. Training medical students in health coaching skills. MedEdPublish, 8, [2], 36, https://doi.org/10.15694/mep.2019.000106.1