Facilitating Care Integration in Community Health Centers: A conceptual framework and literature review on best practices for integration into the medical neighborhood. In 2014, the UCSF Center for Excellence in Primary Care, with funding from the Blue Shield of California Foundation, completed a comprehensive literature review outlining strategies CHCs use to integrate into the medical neighborhood in the domains of primary care-specialty care, primary care-diagnostic imaging, primary care-pharmacy, primary care-oral health and primary care-hospital care. Read the report to learn more about a conceptual model which was used to classify innovations and strategies for integration.
Facilitating Care Integration Website. In 2015, CEPC and the Center for Care Innovations developed an online resource center for safety net practices seeking innovations on integrating primary care in the medical neighborhood, through funding from the Blue Shield of California Foundation. The purpose of this Facilitating Care Integration site is to disseminate resources, build connections and provide a platform for inter-agency learning and collaboration as Community Health Centers and other ambulatory safety net practice tackle care integration challenges across the country. Assess your practice’s care coordination strengths and weaknesses using the self-assessment tools, in the domains of primary care-specialty care, primary care-diagnostic imaging, primary care-pharmacy, primary care-oral health, primary care-behavioral health and/or primary care-hospital care or find out what other health centers are doing through case studies and webinars.