CEPC’s Rachel Willard-Grace and Sarah Colvario spent 3 days at El Dorado Community Health Centers with clinic leadership and direct service staff (MAs and RN Case Managers) to train and discuss how they can start a health coaching program in their 3 clinics that serve over 8,000 patients.
Thanks to a grant from the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation, CEPC is able to offer full scholarships to two organizations to receive the health coaching training on which CEPC’s research is based. We are also offering technical assistance for implementation of a health coaching program in safety-net clinics.
The clinics selected receive (1) full health coach training for staff on site, (2) an intensive in-person workshop with clinic leadership, supervisors, and front line staff to set up the infrastructure for a successful program, and (3) follow-up calls with the clinic to troubleshoot implementation challenges and foster accountability to carry out the program. From this project and evaluation CEPC hopes to learn more about how to successfully develop and implement health coaching in clinics outside of the research setting.