UCSF FCM Department Hosts "Crucial Conversation" on Unconscious Bias, Racism, and Discrimination in Medicine and Academia

FCM faculty Drs. Nwando Olayiwola, Michael Reyes, and Elisabeth Wilson teamed up with residents Lamercie Saint-Hilaire and Diana Wu, both PGY3s, to lead an all-faculty workshop exploring the concepts of unconscious bias, racism, and discrimination, as well as the role of allyship as a powerful strategy to empower those who are marginalized. This is one of many activities the department is engaging in to raise awareness and provide tools for faculty, residents, students, and staff on these issues and better align with larger University diversity and inclusion efforts being spearheaded by Dr. Renee Navarro. 

Dr. Wu and Dr. Saint-Hilaire with FCM Chair Dr. Kevin Grumbach
